The New and Improved Cornea Transplant Method
In the past, patients needing a cornea transplant typically had to resort to a full-thickness corneal transplant (penetrating keratoplasty), a complicated procedure that surgically replaces the entire damaged cornea with a donor cornea.
Now, our Dallas ophthalmology office can benefit from DSAEK (Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty). This procedure is a partial-thickness corneal transplant that leaves the healthy layers of the cornea intact. If you suffer from cataracts, it can often be combined with cataract surgery for even more comprehensive effects.

The DSAEK Corneal Transplant Process
Our Dallas, TX, team has been performing DSAEK procedures for over a decade. When you choose our ophthalmology practice, you'll be in good hands.
We Also Offer DMAEK
Descemet's Membrane Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMAEK) is an even more recent innovation in corneal transplantation. With all of the advantages of its predecessor DSAEK, DMAEK can be done through even smaller incisions and visual recovery time is even faster. Plus, DMAEK has lower rates of transplant rejection (~2%).
Are DSAEK or DMAEK Right for Me? Which Corneal Procedure to Choose
With all of their advantages, DSAEK and DMAEK do have a few limitations. They work best for a specific category of vision problems—those that affect only the back layer of the cornea. Indications include:
- Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy
- Pseudophakic/Aphakic cornea edema or bullous keratopathy
- Endothelial failure after a full-thickness corneal transplant
- Iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome
- Any cause of endothelial dysfunction
Our surgeons serving Dallas, Fort Worth, and Plano can determine which corneal procedure will be best for you. For example, if you have a large scar blocking your vision, it will be treated with a full-thickness cornea transplant. If you have a genetic condition that only affects the very back layer of the cornea, our team will perform a transplant of that layer alone.
Our Dallas ophthalmology office has a range of procedures designed to help patients see with clarity once again. With DSAEK and DMAEK, these tailored approaches represent the latest in corneal transplant innovation. Meet with our team to discuss the possibilities.