LASIK Reviews and Results Dallas Fort Worth

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"When I needed LASIK, I trusted my eyes to Cornea Associates of Texas"

Andy Dalton

Professional Quarterback, NFL

Bryant PattonLASIK was everything I hoped it would be and more. Dr. Bowman and his staff were easy to work with and alleviated any fears I had about the procedure. I was able to play golf in the tremendous Texas heat and not worry about cleaning my glasses every time a drop of sweat obstructed my view. The bonus came when I won the Men's Club Championship in September, and part of the reason was we played the last 4 holes in a driving rainstorm and I did not have to disrupt my game by worrying about cleaning my glasses! I was lucky to win by one shot, and I know I would have given up more than one shot wearing glasses. 

Thanks Dr. B and staff,

Bryant Patton

Dear Dr. Beebe:
My dreams of being an aviator began as a child growing up on a ranch in North Texas. As a young man with corrective vision, I realized my goal of being able to fly in the military was out of reach due to strict military vision requirements of which I did not meet. During my senior year in college, almost all branches of the U.S. military began accepting PRK as a means of obtaining better vision for pilots. This opened a door in my life that has changed it forever. Not only did it allow me to pursue my dream job of being an officer and pilot in the military, but it allowed me to meet a man who would change the way I see the world for the rest of my life. After extensive research into the PRK procedure and different surgeons, I chose Cornea Associates of Texas, Dr. Beebe in particular, to perform my PRK corrective procedure. My decision to have Dr. Beebe perform the procedure was based not only on his honesty and straight forward evaluation, but for the confidence he exuded and passed on to me. He was able to correct my vision from 20/100 to 20/15. The entire process was conducted not in the conveyor belt volume method that some surgeons prefer, but rather in a manner that was tailored to my eyes and my eyes only. The procedure allowed me to successfully complete Officer Candidate School, follow on training, and now, because of Dr. Beebe, I am living my dream not only as a leader in the finest fighting force in the world, but currently as a student aviator. 

2nd Lt Jeremy Campbell

What a joy it was to open new tubes of paint and get the feel of new brushes after so many years. The colors seemed to flow off my brushes and onto the canvas. Colors have enlivened my life and now they are clearer, brighter, more true than ever before. I'm seeing more than I ever have in my whole life.

I've worn glasses since I was a baby, 18 months old, and have no memory of going without them. I'm now 71 and without glasses for the very first time. I wore glasses at all the major events of my life; my first day of schooling, graduation, college, my wedding, the birth of my children to list a few. Now I no longer wear glasses. Sunglasses are my limit now. It is a dream come true.

After cataracts developed in both eyes, Dr. Beebe was recommended as the eye surgeon to see at Cornea Associates of Texas. I have never been more anxious or excited in my life than I was during the examination and consultation. The very idea of going without glasses was simply beyond my imagination. Dr. Beebe calmly told me there were choices to be made and described what was possible. With the ReSTOR lenses I could possibly be free of glasses for most activities for the very first time in my life. I was afraid to even believe it could happen to me.

The surgery went beautifully despite my nervousness. Each time I discover something new it is a cause for celebration. I've discovered I had only been partly participating in my world. That blurred something on my neighbor's patio turned out to be a delightful pottery statue of a peacock. The clock in the middle of the night was clearly visible. The cross stitch pattern which had been difficult to see became clear and crisp as I prepared it for machine embroidery. The quilt I planned and home deco projects became fun rather than chores. Driving the car, while a bit frightening at first, is a joy allowing me freedom to go where I want.

Would I have the ReSTOR surgery again? Oh Yes! With Dr. Beebe and the entire staff working smoothly as a topnotch team, I'd agree to ReSTOR implant lenses in a Texas minute.

Colleen Segroves

I just wanted to let you know that all is well with my wonderful right eye. It has been such a gift, and I thank you very much. My left eye has made great strides in realizing that it is responsible for all near vision efforts. I am reading easily, even on planes at night with only my seatmate's overhead light. Life is good!

Thank you for your very professional service, as well as for your gracious personal attention. You and your staff answered all my questions and addressed my anxiety, and assisted me to feel relaxed and reassured about the procedure. By the time I made my decision to go ahead with the vision correction, I felt confident and excited about the entire process and the results to come.

If I were still in Plano, I'd be great PR for you all! Know that I have spread the word here in Skaneateles, NY, and much of Central NY, so you are famous in areas well outside the DFW area! Thank you again, continued success, and enjoy your summer.

Skaneateles, NY

Dear Dr. Gelender:

I would like to extend my personal thank you for performing refractive surgery on my eyes. I have worn corrective lenses since the age of six, and thanks to you I now can see without glasses (20/20 in my right eye and 20/25 in my left).
As a physician, I carefully researched the LASIK procedure and asked my colleagues to recommend an ophthalmologist. I learned that you were a highly regarded faculty member at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (rated 91 internationally) prior to your move to Dallas. After discussing the pros and cons of LASIK surgery with you at length, I had no doubt that you were the ophthalmologist for me!

It is now two months since my surgery, and I am very pleased with the results. For the first time in over three decades, I am able to engage in sports without wearing glasses. My vision is crystal clear and continues to improve.
I would also like to compliment you on your excellent staff; they were kind, courteous, and very professional, as well as knowledgeable.

My trip to Dallas for the surgery was, without doubt, worth the time and effort. You represent the best your profession has to offer and truly are a "Doctor's doctor."

Sincerely yours,

Denis R. Weinberg, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C.
Medical Center of Greater Miami
Department of Cardiology


Dear Henry,

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the excellent cataract surgery you practiced on me. As I told you personally, my congratulations go to you, for being such an outstanding surgeon, and to your staff, including your physicians, paramedical staff, nurses, and secretaries.

I must praise each and every member’s affable and polite manners; it is obvious that all, from the boss down to the last person who attended to me, are accustomed to good society. They were all very nice to me.

I could easily tell that every single detail had been programmed to perfection, from the time of my appointment at 6:30 a.m. until the ending of the surgery. I was able to sense the utmost medical quality and as a patient, I was able to experience the kindness and attention with which I was treated. Being a doctor myself, I feel it is fair to highlight the staff’s magnificent service and affability. During the course of the day of the surgery and the following days—even on the day before my trip to Las Vegas—I felt as if I were surrounded by people I had known for ages. It was truly comforting.

I would appreciate it if you could send my regards and congratulations to your staff. To you, as the outstanding professional you are, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude.


Dr. Moises Larisch
Chairman of the Board
Medical Director
Lima, Peru

As a chef, attention to visual detail is so important. Dr. Beebe walked me through every single detail of the procedure, and this really had me not only feel relaxed, but truly trust him and his staff with my eyes. One of the many ways that he exceeded my expectations was that every member of his staff went out of his way to ensure that all my questions were answered. His follow up post surgery also was very impressive to me. Big thanks not only to you Dr. Beebe, but your entire staff for your detail, follow-up and bedside manner.

Mark McDaniel
Owner and Executive Chef of ReMARKable Affairs Catering

As a younger man I was active, athletic and outgoing. Keratoconus robbed me of that. Then the gifted, almost magical skills and service provided by Cornea Associates of Texas gave my children, wife, and me a second chance to embrace and enjoy all those things I once universally took for granted!

My name is Michael. After years of painful complications related to the onset of a somewhat rare corneal disease called Keratoconus, I had cornea transplants preformed on both of my eyes. As a result of the superior training, skill and care received from Dr's. Henry Gelender M.D., C. Bradley Bowman, M.D.  and Walter Beebe M.D. I again enjoy a fantastic quality of life. My children now see me as an active, vital father, and my wife constantly expresses her pleasure at my return to duty as an ever-willing handyman, exercise partner, yardman, breadwinner, friend and all around "Happy Husband."

Personally, I have always enjoyed the feel of wind in my hair, the sun in my face and that special smell found only in the sweet green grass of spring. Football, racing motorcycles, martial arts, or a quick pick-up game, all of these things were regular parts of my life. But my greatest joy was the thought of sharing in these activities with the two beautiful children my wife and I are blessed to have.

Professionally, I was dependent on my eyes. Having a diamond import business, my brokerage of fine diamonds and other rare gemstones demanded extreme attention to detail. If I failed to see even small imperfections or irregularities, I could cost myself thousands of dollars in a matter of moments. Worse yet, I could have inadvertently misled a client as to the defining grade and quality of their investment. Accordingly, when I learned my headaches and diminishing vision were all part of a degenerative eye disease called Keratoconus I became deeply troubled.

I read everything I could get my hands on concerning this disease. My problem was only magnified by the fact that not much is known or published on the subject. It quickly became evident that there is an overwhelming lack of "specialty trained" and qualified physicians available who offer quantitative, or qualitative, assistance in the field of Keratoconus. On the other hand Cornea Associates of Texas has chosen to specialize in the area of corneal medicine.

Many general ophthalmologists were willing to happily accept me as a patient and then muddle through a very expensive, indifferent and ineffectual treatment process. It is not that they were snake oil salesmen, it is just that they themselves failed to understand the nature of this disease and its real life implications. After spending tens of thousands of dollars on empty promises, and suffering through several years of pain and anguish, I became aware of the specialty skills of Dr. Henry Gelender. In Dr. Gelender I found a quality of care I had never known or heard of! Beyond his credentials is an intrinsic caring nature that can never be taught. He is a superior human being as well as a premier physician.

As I said, I used to enjoy racing motorcycles. Through this, and other sports, the pain of broken bones and injury was no stranger to me. Pain was a familiar foe. I remember once an orthopedic doctor jokingly thanked me for personally funding his children's college education. He was just about right. Still, I had never experienced anything as limiting or as painful as the symptoms of my Keratoconus when it was treated improperly. When combined with the bizarre effects this disease had on my vision, I was really starting to fall into a deep funk.

For the less severe cases of Keratoconus, use of special hard contact lens as a treatment is a viable option. This lens acts as a synthetic cornea or focusing lens for the eye. If the patient is a good candidate for this therapy and if the procedure is preformed properly, it is a good bandage approach to short and long-term care. For the patient with limiting factors such as extreme dry eye, it can be a disaster. Another problem is poorly fitted lenses. Such poor fitting lenses can abrade, scar and even rupture the cornea. I endured all these dilemmas.

The first dozen or so doctors I went to went strictly by the book. I like to say they beat me with it. They rushed to treat my problem too quickly. Just like a burger in a warming bin I was shoved through the treatment line and provided new corrective contact lenses after a short in and out appointment. I was told I could expect nothing more than a rapid decline in vision over a period of a few years. Further, I was told not to complain about the pain present with the lenses. I was advised it was the "Price to be Paid!" to have any corrected vision.

The poor fitting contacts and lack of quality treatment I received from less qualified doctors left me in such pain that I could no longer stand to go outside in any measure of sunlight. I was forced to sell my business. Another side-effect of the poor treatment I received was a constant headache, so extreme that I was constrained many times to lie in bed, drapes drawn, a mask taped to my eyes to keep out any light for days on end. I had been reduced to taking pain medication for headaches at toxic levels. I had been made to believe there was no other option available to me. It was the only choice I had if I was to enjoy those few hours of improved sight later when I placed those dreaded lenses back in my eyes.

The only thing worse than the pain of the contacts was trying to do anything without them. I am not a person given to drink, and never have indulged in any drugs. Yet every day with advanced Keratoconus was a greatly magnified replay of a drunken stupor. Not due to drink or intoxicants mind you, I simply had a disorienting imbalance in depth perception, distance and focus. If I were to look at a chair three feet away, from one eye I saw the object as being 1 foot away, the other eye saw it 15 feet away. Light and shadow also were interpreted differently through each eye. Then came the constant battle with infections as my eyes were constantly scratched and abraded by the ill-fitting contacts.

By the time Dr. Gelender became my doctor, I had traveled the country and seen more than 20 "SPECIALTY" doctors, all claiming they were going to treat my condition and relieve my pain. After many less than pleasant experiences, I somehow knew Dr. Gelender was the one who would deliver.

Perhaps it was his kind patient manner, possibly the way he took time to completely review my medical history and then insist on a course of treatment instead of just prescribing another thousand-dollar set of custom contacts that would be fit by an assistant. Dr. Henry Gelender just seemed to have a genuine interest in making my eyes better and made me confident he could end my pain.

After spending a few moments digesting his diagnosis and treatment suggestions, I decided I would follow his advice. In the following weeks I had cornea transplants on both of my eyes. I immediately had a release from the pain that held me prisoner for the previous four years. Within a few weeks I had vision which allowed me to function like a normal human being. No longer was I afraid of sunlight. I felt whole again.

My corrected vision is now 20/20 in one eye and 20/15 in the other. I would have been happy with much less correction and was prepared for that possibility. I do not want to convey this correction as being my reason for feeling the way I do about Dr. Gelender. My belief in him comes from a deep understanding of his nature. Dr. Gelender knows his abilities. He describes fully the pros and cons of all procedures. If anything he underestimates his own ability! This is a doctor that cares about his patient's welfare first and foremost. He was the first doctor who had the time to talk to me and educate me as to my condition. In short, he is a rare find. I am so pleased with his work that as soon as budget will allow, it I intend to undergo a LASIK procedure to help me do away with corrective lenses all together.

I have had the pleasure of calling Dr. Henry Gelender my doctor for two years now. He and his partners at Cornea Associates of Texas have given me my life back. I owe them more than my humble words will allow me to detail. Thank you indeed Dr. Gelender!

- Michael

Eye doctors at Cornea Associates of Texas

Cornea Associates of Texas

Cornea Associates of Texas provides superior eye care from offices in Plano, Fort Worth, and Dallas, TX. Our doctors perform many surgical procedures, including LASIK surgery, PRK surgery, EVO ICL and cataract surgery. Our doctors are affiliated with several prestigious organizations, including:

  • The American Academy of Ophthalmology
  • The American Medical Association
  • The American Board of Ophthalmology
  • The International Society of Refractive Surgery

To schedule a consultation with our team, please fill out our online form or call (214) 692-0146.

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